Welcome to Mobilopia

Mobilopia is a game studio that develops fun and engaging mobile games for all ages. We have a passion for creating games that are innovative, immersive, and enjoyable. You can find out more about our games and our team on this website. You can also follow us on social media and join our community of gamers. We hope you like our games and have a great time playing them. read more

Mobilopia is a game studio that was founded in 2021 by a group of passionate game developers. We have a vision to create games that are fun, accessible, and diverse. We believe that games can be a powerful medium for storytelling, education, and social change. We are always looking for new ideas and feedback from our players, so feel free to contact us anytime. We hope you enjoy our games and share them with your friends and family.

  • Meet the Team: Our Game DevelopersDecember 2023Mobilopia

    We are proud to introduce you to our talented and passionate game developers, who work hard every day to create amazing games for you. They have different backgrounds, skills, and interests, but they share a common love for gaming and creativity. In this post, we will tell you more about them and their roles in our studio.
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  • New Game Release: Zombie EscapeNovember 2023Mobilopia

    We are excited to announce that our new game, Zombie Escape, is now available for download on the App Store and Google Play. Zombie Escape is a thrilling runner game where you have to survive the zombie apocalypse and escape the city. You can choose from different characters, weapons, and power-ups, and compete with other players on the leaderboard.
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  • We Have Free Games for Everyone

    Our games are created with inspiration, checked for quality and originality and designed to be fun and engaging for all ages.

    What’s more, they’re absolutely free!
    You can download and play them anytime and anywhere. You can also share them with your friends and family.

    You can enjoy our games without any ads, in-app purchases, or subscriptions. We respect your privacy and do not collect any personal data from you. We only ask for your feedback and ratings, so we can improve our games and make them better for you.

  • We Have More Games for You

    Looking for more games?

    Just browse through all our Games and find what you’re looking for. We have games in various genres, such as puzzle, arcade, racing, adventure, and more. We are always adding new games and updating our existing ones, so you will never get bored. You can also check out our Media page to see our games in action and watch some gameplay videos.

  • Be Part of Our Community

    If you love our games and want to share your thoughts and feedback with us, join the discussion on our forum and meet other people in the community who share the same interests with you. You can also follow us on social media and stay updated on our latest news and releases.

  • Game details

    Design version 4
    Code version 2
    Game details, discussion and updates for this Zombie Escape Game. Game design by Mobilopia. Please feel free to rate and review our games and let us know what you think.